This muppet tailgated me in a 40mph zone and then swerved out to overtake before realising "oh yeah, that would be dangerous". He then turned off around 500 yards ahead so all that behaviour was the for the sake of saving what? 5 seconds? He found the whole situation funny though. Would you be laughing as much if somebody else drove like that and killed one of your friends or relatives? Absolute bell end.
07:25 on 16/04/19
Copp Lane Great Eccleston towards Elswick
Pulls out of South Street, speeds up on Copp Lane, tailgates then overtakes in 40 stretch doing in excess of 50. Impatient speeder.
Failed to stop on mini round about whilst we were already on the mini round about.
Wrle had right of way and had to brake harshly on the roundabout.
This driver used excessive speed and quite happily looked at us as he cut across us.
I'd be terrified if I was in a car with him.
He Indicated to pull out as I was passing seemingly without knowing I was alongside then quickly got extremely aggressive swearing out of window and gesticulating. Would have come to blows if he hadn’t had to move on as holding up traffic. Total barn pot.
This muppet tailgated me in a 40mph zone and then swerved out to overtake before realising "oh yeah, that would be dangerous". He then turned off around 500 yards ahead so all that behaviour was the for the sake of saving what? 5 seconds? He found the whole situation funny though. Would you be laughing as much if somebody else drove like that and killed one of your friends or relatives? Absolute bell end.