I actually didn't think people were this stupid, whilst stopped at traffic lights today, I stayed clear of a side road to allow for cars coming the opposite way to pull in or for cars to pull out this side road. This idiotic man, pulled from God knows where on my right, managed to squeeze into this gap therefore blocking the side road AND as the photo shows, he was overhanging the other side of the road so cars couldn't pass on this side either until our lights changed. I'm actually shocked that someone is this unbelievably stupid! And in your works van too, clever one.
Gives lorry drivers a bad name, intentionally speeding up to prevent an otherwise safe merge onto the A1 around J38, and proceeding to tailgate and flash unnecessarily.
Driving on M1 in left hand lane approaching J21 heading for Leicester. Driver moved across into my lane and wiped out the rear of my car (right off) stopped and appologized,offered me £500 and suggested I take it somewhere cheap to get repaired :/ now claiming it was my fault. Very poor driving and attitude stinks,gives truckers a very bad name.
Parked blocking a disabled space at a go surgery so they could drop kids at school