Very aggressive woman, trying to squeeze past us to get in to another lane in Canvey Island, obviously we couldn’t move anywhere as we were stuck in traffic, she then mumbled something at us as she managed to squeeze through. Calm yourself down you silly cow, thinking you are better than everyone else in your Audi. Nob.
Incompetent prick dropped down to 30 at the end of a slip road to merge onto a 70 dual carriageway, then cut across in front of traffic forcing them to slow right down and leave chaos behind him.
Whoever the chick is that drives this car is a nightmare on the road. Behind her in traffic from Wednesbury to Coseley and continuesly cutting people up. No indication and saw her more than once on her phone and what looked like touching up her lipstick. Don’t know how you passed your test love!
Driving like a bellend past a horse at excessive speeds! Reg is now reported to police as i had it all on camera so you will be getting a knock soon enough!!
Young blonde bit absolutely clueless behind the wheel! Hurling abuse at me behind the window and at the lights bezzed off! For a one litre engine car I can't believe how fast the little thing can go! A real danger keep an eye out for her because she is a stunning girl
Very aggressive woman, trying to squeeze past us to get in to another lane in Canvey Island, obviously we couldn’t move anywhere as we were stuck in traffic, she then mumbled something at us as she managed to squeeze through. Calm yourself down you silly cow, thinking you are better than everyone else in your Audi. Nob.