Rude driver, pulled straight out in front of me, had to swerve to another lane, pulled in front of him to let him know what he had done then he proceeded to flash his full beams at me, then pulled up next to me provoking the situation - company name on vehicle was British Gypsum - reported him to his employment
Was driving on the a13 towards lakeside thurrock, came to the a1012 slip way off up to the round about, and the woman driving this car went into the back of my car she then moved over to the other lane, got out and shouted 'No Insurance' and then drove off, luckily I got her numbe plate as fast as I could
Drives like a complete twat. Constantly tried to undertaking. Tried undertaking a van and almost crashed straight into the back of a queue of stationary traffic trying to come off the main road. Looks like a complete ugly mug!
Black Volvo with a twat at the wheel. Left lane wanker who wants to turn right off the roundabout at Worsley Courthouse, Manchester but can't be arsed getting into the correct lane. Thinks it's OK to whizz past everyone queuing then barge into the lane feeding onto the M60. Well, guess what, sonny? You're a fucking knob and I really hope the next time you try this trick somebody takes the driver side wing off your Cuntmobile! Fucking prick.
Atrocious driving, turned left and clubbed a barrier nearly hits the traffic lights takes off NS wing mirror probable damage to the wing and just carries on driving !!!!
Never seen someone actually dancing shirtless in their car. Freak of society this kid.
Need to be taken the shop the sesh head.