Atrocious driving, turned left and clubbed a barrier nearly hits the traffic lights takes off NS wing mirror probable damage to the wing and just carries on driving !!!!
Excellent Cooper Buckley driver followed for 5 or more miles and very polite with other road users and doing sensible speeds. If only other hgv drivers were like this.
Swerving all over the road on their phone whilst driving. Narrowly missed crashing into the driver in the next lane due to their weaving all over the place and they had to kerk the wheel to keep from crashing.
Absolute wanker in a big car. I was doing 40 (the speed limit) and this knobjockey hurled past me at at least 60. Didnt even bother slowing down for the traffic lights as they just went red from amber. I hope you were late for work. I hope you miss your train. I hope you get many points on your license you pillock.
Late for work?
pulled out on me. started calling me names then aggressively walked towards my car. then hit my car with a crowbar. and then sped off in a 20 zone by a primary school
Atrocious driving, turned left and clubbed a barrier nearly hits the traffic lights takes off NS wing mirror probable damage to the wing and just carries on driving !!!!