This driver will get you locked up with the key thrown away. She is a dangerous driver and a dangerous person. Do not trust her and don't believe anything she says. She has ruined my life and led me to believe i was the only one for 11 years then boom after 11 years she says "oh, by the way i've been married before, so no you wasn't my first, i want them to lock you up and throw away the key". Thanks
Polish (I think, couldn't understand a word) bodybuilding arsehole driving this car, very aggressive, tailgating & generally no road going sense at all, stay well clear, confronted him only to be spat at in the face b, a before he ran off, asolute twat of a human being who had a woman & kids in the back as well, unbelievable, hopefully the next person will knock seven shades of crap out of him.
Fucking lunatic hit our car and drove away!