Clueless blonde bint who thinks it's perfectly acceptable to cut off innocent motorists and then brake check them. Arrogant little cow ought to take some driving lessons.
DK54 YNYUnfortunately shared same road with this moron2018-04-04 19:11:12
Within 2/3 sets of traffic lights heading from Gateshead into Low Fell, the 'driver' and I use that in the loosest means, raced up bus lanes, almost crashing into unsuspecting drivers at at least 2 sets of lights I'm aware of and pretty much breaking every rule. The prat almost crashed into the back of a bus which was stationary at a bus stand, in a bus lane, whilst trying to undertake rush hour traffic... in the bus lane. On several occasions, the driver seemingly made attempts on a cyclists life. I hope the guy's OK, he looked pretty miffed and rightly so. I don't know if this car had just been stolen or what, but this moron should not be on the road at all.
Idiot pulls out of a car park in front of traffic, rolls along 10mph under the limit just to take the next turn off. Why not wait 5 seconds until the massive gap after the oncoming cars and avoid causing people to slam their brakes on?
Clueless blonde bint who thinks it's perfectly acceptable to cut off innocent motorists and then brake check them. Arrogant little cow ought to take some driving lessons.