A real menace, with two teenage boys that use around 10 gb of mobile data a minute by messaging anyone within a 1 mile radius. Has a keen interest in light pollution.
Nearly killed four of us by trying to overtake on the exit of a roundabout with a lorry rapidly coming in the other direction. An utterly stupid manoeuvre. With three of his own passengers too. Better hope I don’t see your car around anywhere!
This prick in his black Seat Leon, thought he was Lewis Hamilton by undertaking me (whilst I'm doing the speed limit) on a dual carriageway meters before the roundabout then slows down so we overtake and he doesn't like it as when we overtook he swerved into my lane almost scraping the side of my car! Cunt
You clearly won your driving licence at the seaside bingo or else your fugly sister sat in to take your driving test.
I doubt the police will get involved - they are too busy re-arresting your fugly sister from dealing crack whilst shoplifting at Poundworld.
I do hope your insurance company gets to see this video and increases your premiums x 200% to ensure the safety of other road users who adhere to The Highway Code and puts a note on file for other insurers to warn them of the potential risk you create when driving.
If i was this twats boss and saw this video i myself would fire him for using a large vehicle as an offencive weapon and would report him to the police. WHAT A TOTAL PRICK
Tuesday 8th May 2018 & it’s another common site here in Johnston.
A driver who thinks they are so important that they have to right to park their vehicle full on the road causing an obstruction.
Your car belongs on the road. If you can’t park legally, you don’t automatically get the right to park illegally!
When pedestrians have to push past your vehicle that’s parked on the pavement it’ll be such a pity when their coat zip or keys brush against your vehicle!
Seems fond of parking on private property. Why would anyone be so stupid or ignorant to park on what is obviously private land?