So from reading the thread and knowing the business owner personally I can tell you this page is just a hate thread created by a very immature man, who decided to report his business and photoshop pictures of his van over a incident which happened on the road. I'd also like to add that the driver behind was the one at fault and by beeping constantly and driving like a maniac caused the driver in front to get severely pissed off and stick his finger up. If you guys see a white Tesla in the Shrewsbury area be careful he is a well known nonce who will cause a crash, wouldn't be surprised if he was driving under the influence.
These "friends" of Wayne are so bothered about his reputation but they're frantically voting up all sorts of random drivers from other places to try to mask this page.
I understand that this man may have nearly caused an accident, but this level of harrasment seems to be a little over the top for what I assume are two grown men going back at each other on a fairly small forum.
Just to add my two cents but if what was said is true about someone removing the locksmiths business on google then you ought to be ashamed of yourself, what if this man has a family to feed in the never-ending cost of living crisis? I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate the same happening to you.
Road rage is road rage and it should stay there. There is no reason as to why it should amount to anything more.
I will be reporting this to the website owner as content like this, isn't what this website should be used for, take your childish games elsewhere!
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Dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.
Mauris ut orci dapibus, sollicitudin metus id, facilisis magna. Praesent pellentesque consequat nibh. Ut egestas velit quis ante tincidunt, eget luctus orci tincidunt. Cras massa augue, facilisis sit amet mattis vel, mollis vel neque. Nam maximus laoreet erat, a sagittis risus auctor non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent at interdum felis. Pellentesque facilisis vulputate justo, in euismod turpis aliquet id. Nam ut nibh eros. Vivamus lacus orci, rhoncus quis sodales et.
Donec interdum felis fringilla posuere pellentesque. Duis elementum blandit justo, eget tincidunt diam sollicitudin sed. Nulla hendrerit tempor nisi non feugiat. Curabitur a auctor nisl. Sed sagittis purus ac felis venenatis, at sagittis ante suscipit. Nulla lacinia eros odio, sit amet fringilla nisl porttitor sit amet. Nunc tempus, nunc a rutrum ullamcorper, lacus purus porttitor lacus, vitae ullamcorper erat erat quis nibh. Sed vitae diam sed quam malesuada gravida sed ac nisl. Fusce sed accumsan purus.
You forgot to mention the part when he put his hand up to apologise yet you kept beeping your horn for no reason? You also forgot to mention the part where you called him on no caller ID…for no reason. Again, you also forgot to mention that you reported his business on google which has now been taken down. A business he’s worked very hard for and built up a very good reputation for. Oh and you also forgot to mention that you keep sending him spiteful emails which is cyber bullying at this point. Accidents happen. He didn’t mean to pull out on you. The police are aware. Now stop creating different accounts on here just to make up comments for your own post🤣Especially making one claiming to be Wayne yourself. You truly are a vile human to go to this extent over a mistake. Anyone who knows Wayne knows he is a nice person and a hard worker. He doesn’t deserve this.
So from reading the thread and knowing the business owner personally I can tell you this page is just a hate thread created by a very immature man, who decided to report his business and photoshop pictures of his van over a incident which happened on the road. I'd also like to add that the driver behind was the one at fault and by beeping constantly and driving like a maniac caused the driver in front to get severely pissed off and stick his finger up. If you guys see a white Tesla in the Shrewsbury area be careful he is a well known nonce who will cause a crash, wouldn't be surprised if he was driving under the influence.