I hope the uploading of the footage has worked. A silver Vauxhall Cavalier can be observed in the first video recklessly hurtling past me close to a bend. This is about 6:15 am. Any later and therefore had the road been any busier he would have not been so lucky. In Part 2 he can be seen again recklessly speeding past a driver but on the other side of a traffic island. And again it would be a different story had he done that later on in the day and had the road been any busier. https://youtu.be/kdt6RjKXK34
Lunatic tried to stop me from leaving roundabout by overtaking on the left ignoring my indicator...then intimidating me from behind , showing me the finger and whilst driving taking pictures of my car with his mobile.
This fat old tramp thought she was able to push her way through a busy traffic light junction cutting up other cars and myself (I was going straight on). I had to take avoiding action.
No indicators, no consideration and then the old dog had the courtesy to flick her middle finger. Rude, inconsiderate slapper.
Want to say thanks for hitting my car and driving off! Thankfully someone saw you and gave me your reg. I hope you're ready to hear from your insurance!!!
speeding on A580