DY17 BZW 2018-03-23 22:24:35

Titties! also you drive like a woman
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DY51 JOS 2018-03-12 11:34:11

Poor driver, absolutely shit
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DY15 XWD 2018-03-04 18:14:30

Car is a VW and not a Mini as Stated. Nothing big, but just some silly little girl driving like a plumb and tailgating people. For future reference.... Tailgate me, and I gradually slow down until you do what you did and swerve out from behind me cutting up the van that you obviously didn't see, or back off and stop being said plumb.
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DY53 LXV 2018-03-06 08:47:59

Selfish and dangerous driving. Beetle driver with big flower on dashboard, but with NO peace or love!
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DY08 AAF 2018-02-24 17:20:02

Typical Audi driver!
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DY54 DXX 2018-02-21 15:44:55

Worst driver. Keep clear a maniac on the rd. Fortunately havnt seen this car for while
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DY54 LYD 2018-02-19 20:50:43

crap a parking
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DY12 FBN 2018-02-09 10:58:04

So this Arsehole thinks they have the right to tailgate speed, flash their lights and then dangerously undertake? Think again sunshine, if you want to kill someone go and kill yourself!!!!!!! We were doing the speed limit, we were driving sensibly, you on the other hand are an absolute disgrace and should be ashamed of yourself. In future get up earlier and take the bus. Keep us all safe
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DY09 HGZ 2018-02-11 15:26:12

Can tell he eats cuban
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DY04 EOU 2018-01-30 15:29:31

Came across this maniac on the cannock tip/recylcing centre island and nearly rammed into me, driving like a looney rushing around, If I can get my dash cam footage off and its any good i will show it on here.
From the comments on here i would say she makes a habit of terrible driving.
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