Fuck off cuntcyclist scum. They say the fucking Lycra brigade obey the rules of the road then maybe drivers will respect you. Until that day. Fuck off and die.
Fucking cockroaches of the road.
Probably rushing to get home so the dirty ape could her aids infested coochie muh dicked by her dirty buck.
Or rushing home so the Nick Grrr could eat some fried chiggun and watermelon.
Fucking Blacks. Make me sick.
a 12 year old X5, jesus, whats that worth? fuck all. knock a mirror off and its a write off, heap of anti social shit. must be so pleased with his little world
As others have said, its one of Vauxhalls rusty old Astras. Heaps of shit when new, really wouldn't want one now. but maybe a better choice than using a bus, full of SMELLY PISS STAINED UNEMPLOYED SCUM BAG WANK POTS.GFYS.
couldn't even drive into me so I could feel his muscles.