That's the level of this site unfortunately people can post baseless accusations he vast majority of which are clearly not true yet the admin do nothing .
the more people visit whether it is for genuine reasons or I post lies , abuse , racism and so on the more money the site owner who isn't even a resident in the uk makes . No wonder he's not keen to put people off by moderating .
The only posts I've ever seen deleted are criticisms of the site and the way it's run .
EN15 VJF is a Silver 2015 Nissan Micra Acenta Cvt with a numberplate first registered in Chelmsford between March and August 2015. This Hatchback was first used on the road on Tuesday 30th June 2015.
Spotted this car parked up in a lay by on the A19 the other day and thought it looked cool. The car seemed to be unoccupied so I went to take a closer look. However when I got close I noticed an extremely camp joey Essex looking mother fucker and a man who must if been in his late 50s participating in things I will never ever be able to unsee.
VIDEO fucking thieves again, look at the date on video 2007
what a fucking idiot, these knob heads are always adding shit on this website, the website owner may be the culprit ? me wonder
That's quite a serious accusation there. If you believe someone is trying to lure minors into a vehicle then can I ask, have you reported this to the police? Because as yet all you have is words.
On a general note, I don't buy flash stuff if I can afford it because where I live such things tend to get dented, vandalised or stolen. Pretty fucking sick society isn't it. I mean, if you have a car like this wherever you go you are worried about leaving it for the reasons mentioned. Some people just don't respect other people's property and resent other people getting on, hence the reason we have so many chavs hanging about trying to cause problems for people and property. I have had flash cycles stolen, vandalised, cars scratched.. all because they looked nice and because I worked my ass off to pay for them. I've never known such socially retarded people in all my life..gonna save up and move someone where nicer. Maybe come back with a camera and make some money filming these dead-beat assholes. If you can afford something nice good luck to ya.
That's the level of this site unfortunately people can post baseless accusations he vast majority of which are clearly not true yet the admin do nothing .
the more people visit whether it is for genuine reasons or I post lies , abuse , racism and so on the more money the site owner who isn't even a resident in the uk makes . No wonder he's not keen to put people off by moderating .
The only posts I've ever seen deleted are criticisms of the site and the way it's run .