When the stupid paki hit me tryed paying me with curry. And then kept repeating no understand english after i didnt want his curry as a payment still havent got my money
What a scum bag. Can tell by the comments that are defending this guy are written by himself or scum friends/family because of the lovely choice of language and obvious intelligence. I wish you all the worst health and sadness.
Well, seems this is a fake story from FakeBook. How about some evidence rather that a huge story blaming others for parking rather than the mother looking after her child properly and having a duty of care by calling a doctor, seeking advice online or via the NHS phone line or calling the ambulance service - or more likely, getting her fingers off of her keyboard and Facebook and looking after the children that our tax's are paying towards by funding their mums benefits. Essex chav, why have no one with the same surname commented on her Facebook page? No family eh? It's a load of bullshit as others have rightly pointed out.
Reading the comments highlights what kind of mindless idiotic people we have in this country. No one with a modicum of common sense drives their child to hospital. No matter what the circumstances are - this woman claims her child was desperately ill yet she was driving around looking for a parking space. What a mindless thick Chav. He was probably buzzing out of his nut on fizzy drinks and chocolate cake.
Call a fucking ambulance you daft cunt and leave the visitor spaces for visitors.
They could have been visiting someone who had terminal cancer or actually dying and not have a fat kid needing a break from PlayStation or Instagram like your chav offspring. Why didn't you call an ambulance or get someone to drive you there whilst you cradled your 'dying child' lying cunt.
This is a bullshit story.
If your child was ill and 'desperately ill' would you get in your car and wait in traffic and at lights and dum de dum de dum wait for people to let you out of turnings etc. No. You would call an ambulance and at least speak to a freaking nurse on nhs direct as they would advise calling an AMBULANCE. Only a cunt would drive around a hospital car park looking for a space if they had a sick child on deaths door. This is a bullshit story by a driver pissed off that another driver got in a space before them.
100% emotional blackmail by throwing in the invisible and wholly unbelievable dying child story. You lot are gullible suckers
Why does the Facebook page comments have people asking if 2 different named kids are ok? If they were 'friends' they would all know what the child's name was and therefore I smell bullshit. This is someone just pissed if with another driver and made up the hospital story for group anger and mass uproar. Why the fuck didn't she call an ambulance rather than drive along, stopping at red traffic lights and waiting in traffic all the way to the hospital if her child was on deaths door as she claims ? Why? Because the story is 100% BULLSHIT.
For £2.50 you can send a form to dvla requesting current owner information previous owner information, contact details (just a number depending on why you want the info) and various other info you can also pay more for a similar thing it's like £5 for more detailed info, not sure how it works but for a very small fee dvla will tell you who the registered owners owners of the car is, either that or try just going round local post offices from January, they will be re taxing it start of next year, just say you think they came in earlier and you have accidently hit there carand need to rectify it. Horrid people wouldn't be able to live with myself if that was me and anythin b has happened to that little boy. Really just heartless self entitlement is disgusting and so is being a bully when people are clearly in a traumatic or emergency situation. Don't know if you have ever had to wait on an ambulance for a sick child but sometimes your best option if your closer is to go yourself.
Just double park behind them. It's not like they put your life in danger and you should have called an ambulance if your child was soooo Ill. Sorry to sound uncaring, but car spaces are for visitors and not for 'people in a rush with dying children' that's what ambulances are for 👍😱😲😷
I think these people who post this shit on social media should be castrated and shot.
There is no one in the right mind who would do what's described . The thumbs down proves this.
Just some scumbag who probably couldn't get there own way, so used the only tool
they could to get attentions
If someone had a sick child do you honestly think they would hang around for a conversation, take pictures and post this shit on face book.
If was me and one of my 12 children, I would of parked the car up the doctors ass.
When the stupid paki hit me tryed paying me with curry. And then kept repeating no understand english after i didnt want his curry as a payment still havent got my money