VIDEO fucking thieves again, look at the date on video 2007
what a fucking idiot, these knob heads are always adding shit on this website, the website owner may be the culprit ? me wonder
Cash for crash convoy? Or just arrogant, violent people preying upon a lone pregnant woman? You did exactly the right thing: do not react to them, do not engage with them. Drive on and pull into somewhere populated such as a petrol station, shopping precinct or even police station and keep the hand on the horn. They will then most likely be on camera. If they follow you enter a premises and call the police ref drunk/dangerous drive making threats possibly in an attempt to steal or crash into your property (vehicle). Stay where there are people. The a******s will then have screwed themselves over by the time their tiny brains realise it. Cowards such as that described don't like being exposed!
A seat is just a poor man's Volkswagen
This is proved by all the tacky stickers this boy has all over his car.
Also he can't drive for shit and I can hear his electric steering from half a mile off.