EF13 AWH 2016-04-15 09:15:17

Are you alright? It looks like you have rolled your car
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EF13 AWH 2016-04-15 09:03:21

Literally overtaking. Wow.
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EF64 GWY 2016-04-06 12:36:07

Seen egging in Upminster
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EF14 LXU 2016-03-03 05:28:26

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EF51 GGZ 2016-02-28 04:38:41

Doubt the twat would have the brains to read it let alone respect it. Still, they usually learn when they fuck their car up and go crying to their insurance.. then someone posts a video of them driving like an imbecile and the rest, they say, is history. I hope they do this to me: I'll give them a reason to slow down and belt up..
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EF14 LXU 2016-03-04 23:06:23

Total prick...the drivers got mad cos he won't admit he didn't see the cyclist... What a twat
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EF14 LXU 2016-03-03 05:33:22

This should be sent to the police to keep on file? These guys are weird. I wonder if they'd taken drugs or drink.. or were just crazy.
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EF10 GGO 2016-03-01 08:20:55

https://www.vehicleenquiry.service.gov.uk/ loks like it isnt taxed
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EF51 EDR 2016-01-15 08:16:47

The accent is British but almost everybody is driving in the right hand lane?
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