EF65 WPR 2017-06-26 07:49:06

I hope the kid gets what's coming to him. Ie him and his car wrapped round a tree
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EF05 KZN 2017-06-16 19:46:52

Abusive low life individual who hit my new car at the rear, causing Damage, went to drive off then refused to give his details! Shouted 4 letter abuse and shook his fists.
Told him I was calling the police. They are looking fir him, he hadn't reported the incident to his ins co!
Low life!
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EF13 DTO 2017-06-15 10:42:47

Absolute scum doesn't deserve to drive that car accusing Muslims of being terrorist wake up mate KKK and the IRA were they classed as Christians.

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EF16 XXB 2017-06-22 08:46:00

I'm reasonably certain you're lying.

Why not provide your reg plate so I can report you for your tailgating antics?
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EF65 WPR 2017-06-01 17:34:08

Total ass hat wanker in a shit fiesta!
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EF54 EBM 2017-04-25 09:07:12

Mistakes happen. You must really have a stick up your arse to upload this...
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EF54 EBM 2017-04-25 00:07:12

well done for indicating left then uploading a video. You sir are a moron.
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EF54 EBM 2017-04-24 16:58:10

You were obviously indicating to turn left. You are a C*nt and should stop blaming people for your mistakes.
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EF54 EBM 2017-04-20 18:21:59

Wow, nice driving though.
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EF51 WKS 2017-04-11 08:30:05

HGV drivers are an utter mess and deserve this kind of thing to happen to them. Yes it's wrong but it is Karma. they drive like absolute assholes on the m60 tailgating and pulling, and for what reason? Because they have a small todge
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