Tailgating middle aged arsewipe, sits right behind you looking grumpy (probably because his misses is a troll) then undertakes and shows down in front of you. There's a word to describe people like this, begins with C and rhymes with stunt.
EJ07RWN - Large 4x4 parks on the double yellow lines, blocks junction opposite and the road view in all directions all because she wants a quick Tesco shop and cannot be bothered to park in a proper car park 20 metres away, Selfish, oblivious and unaware.
Absolute total knob jockey decided she would try and take my space while I was reversing into it. Silly old bimbo then launched off on a verbal, not my problem she's still scarred from the effects of living through 2 world wars
Very rude driver .no respect for pedestrian and no respect for female and children use abusive and foul language and pass sexist comments for females.and don't even think about presence of children on road and parking areas and put them in grear risk.and also threatens by being verbally and physically abusive.
Fucking speeding white BMW cunt failed to stop for zebra crossing at Manchester road, doing around 40mph on a 20mph road.