This taxi parks on double yellow lines on a bend outside a school, every day, waiting to pick someone up from school. Please park in a safer location further along the road. This is dangerous to other cars coming round the corner and children crossing the road (this is right outside school gates)
Asshole drives a BMW, what else is there to say? Well he slams his foot to the floor at any opportunity and makes a hell of a noise in doing so. #HesACunt
Absolutely awful. Swerves in and out of lanes without indicating. Pulled out in front of me when there was barely any space without any prior indication!!
Please remove you blue van and the rest of the cars you have dumped on my private car park ! This is private property not a place to dump all ur motors ! This is beyond a joke now being happening for months all the residents know now what you are doing !! Remove it!
Absolutely beautiful car. Perfect spec. Sounds incredible as well. Young lad driving it, lucky chap.