If this little pricked fap monkey ever parks in our drive, block him in and tell him, when he knocks, your other half has accidently taken your car keys with her and you don't know what time she'll be back.
This guy thinks he's being clever wheel spinning his family saloon pretending it's a sports car and then accelerating to a speed in excess of the 20mph limit in a residential area. Hopefully he will have his license taken off him soon as he clearly is not fit to be driving on a public road.
On a cramped housing estate with children waking back from school, this young boy racer, with his mates in tow (probably driving his mum's red Fiat 500) decided he could take the tight left hand junction without braking, right in front of another car, only miscalculated and over stretched himself, almost hitting the other car.
Drove off laughing because he is obviously 'too cool for school'.....oh no, that's right, he is just an idiot.
Drove along footpath in central Warwick on Saturday 2 July with out regard for pedestrian safety - several people had to jump out of the way. All because he was not prepared to wait for a turning vehicle in front.
Inconsiderate parker blocking entrance to estate resulting in no bins being collected. What if a fire engine needs to get through. Most likely a worker at Papworth Hospital.
Car looks like its been shat out of a rhinos ass.