Spotted this Mercedes outside an Infants school and didn't think much of the parking as it was over the Keep Clear lines. Was waiting to pick up my kid and I noticed the driver (Female) seemed to be in a bit of bother and seemed to be having some form of fit so being concerned, I got out of my car and walked over to check she was okay.
It was only as I was about to knock on the door I noticed she was not having a fit, she was having a wee. She was literally pissing all over her car seat with a hand doing god knows what out of sight. This is happening while children walk past, absolutely disgusting and my six year old luckily did not see. Will be in contact with the school.
This driver regularly uses the overtaking lane on Seven Mile Lane in Kent to overtake queueing traffic and also crosses the double white lines where the chevrons start.
Perhaps if drivers drove correctly ie keeping left when not overtaking then there wouldn't be so many negative comments about wagon drivers who you rely on for your food etc and regularly get held up by bad drivers in cars
Absolute bellend from what I've read, needs to grow the f**k up