The young lady driving this small white car must be either thick, selfish or she doesn't value her Driving Licence very much, dialling up and starting a phone call with someone as she is driving along slowly with pedestrians walking near her car as she is passing by, seeing exactly what she is doing!
Very bad behaviour, especially with all the coverage on the news, on TV/Radio and so on about drivers who are NOT supposed to use handheld devices, i.e. MOBILE PHONES(!) whilst driving. What a moron!
Selfish bastard pretty much ran my daughter off the road today - came tearing round the corner with no thought for others coming the other way. Didnt even bother to wave to say sorry or thank you. Forced my daughter onto the junction where another car had to slam his brakes on so he didnt T-bone her.
The young lady driving this small white car must be either thick, selfish or she doesn't value her Driving Licence very much, dialling up and starting a phone call with someone as she is driving along slowly with pedestrians walking near her car as she is passing by, seeing exactly what she is doing!
Very bad behaviour, especially with all the coverage on the news, on TV/Radio and so on about drivers who are NOT supposed to use handheld devices, i.e. MOBILE PHONES(!) whilst driving. What a moron!