Drove like a prat on 4May on M6 north near J20 in 50 mph zone. Drove within two feet of my rear bumper and sounded horn very aggressively. Then overtook on left them when I swerved to the very narrow far lane he changed lanes aggressively and blasted his horn again for 30 secs shaking everyone around. I would never have someone like that driving one of my trucks. MDS Transport take note. He will kill someone one day. Bloody idiot.
Refused to move out of the inside lane at junction 9 of M3 northbound forcing car that was joining the motorway at that junction onto the hard shoulder.
Another ignorant, dangerous driver discriminating against people because they ride bikes? Sure seems that way. This guy's driving was dangerous and his attitude is appalling: a lethal combination..
EY62 WWX is a Grey 2012 Peugeot 207 Gt Cc Hdi with a numberplate first registered in Chelmsford between September 2012 and February 2013. This Convertible was first used on the road on Friday 28th September 2012.
Dangerous driving through busy junction overtaking to go straight over in the right only lane and then on the wrong side of the road towards approaching traffic. Cutting in last minute causing evasive action from other drivers. 8:45am Southbound down B2036 at Junction with Maple Drive, Burgess Hill. Also with highly excessive speed, speeding off through the town. Could easily have caused a serious accident, especially at the junction.
Porsche cayman spotted on M62 driving like a lunatic. Undertaking, cutting in necessitating emergency braking, swerving between lanes, causing multiple vehicles to take evasive action.
What area is this in chelmsford