Brilliant driver. Not only is he a top highway maintenance guy but he also does gardening with his van. He’ll carve up a big trench ready for planting just by the way he parks. He’ll also have a go at demolition but not quite mastered total destruction yet. So pleased this young guy has been given charge of such a big vehicle - it suits him. I hope they let him use bulldozers and JCB equipment at work because he’s ace.
No concept of a red light on a pedestrian crossing. Too self important to realise lights had changed so had to take evasive action to avoid me or my son in his buggy getting knocked over. Avoid this contemptible oxygen thief…
You ever wonder who deliberately goes out of their way to buy those wretched, base-spec, piss-yellow cars? Turns out… this guy!
Too poor and self-cantered to get himself a residents permit for the street he actually lives on, he instead opts to dump this eye-watering piece of shit the next street over.
Pulls out without looking