FH17 ETF 2020-09-29 09:09:56

This a***hole from Mitchell power systems obviously wants to look for another job as his aggressive driving is absolutely appalling, speeding, tailgating and then trying to cut in using a lane that doesn’t go round where he thinks it should. Needless to say he didn’t get in front and had to sit behind me doing the speed limit (it’s 30 for a reason) and then a learner who then came out in front of me. If you left late it’s your problem, it is no excuse to come haring down, tailgate and then show what a complete a***hole you are by using lanes that are not for the Lane in which you should have been in to go where you wanted to go. Get up earlier if you’re late, otherwise if you’re not don’t drive like an absolute dick!

I will be reporting this to your company as this goes against your drivers handbook / contract of which you have signed. So congratulations pal, you’ve just earned yourself a date with the boss!
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FN60 SYE 2020-09-28 07:04:23

This jaguar caused an RTC in Dartford Kent and it turns out he was not insured. Left the seen without giving details. Now in the hands of the police
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FY68 TPZ 2020-10-04 17:43:48

Not only was this idiot racing another prat on a motorcycle, breaking several speed limits between newark and Souhwell. He apparently forgot his motor needs road tax.

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FE54 EYP 2020-09-27 15:44:12

Parks and drives like the rules don't apply to them. Happy to damage others party as they have no care or regard for their own. absolute cunt.
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F4 ANW 2020-10-04 14:36:18

email anwer8030@gmail.com rn ill buy the plate of you
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FE51 XXX 2020-09-26 18:38:07

White stuff coming out the exhaust mate
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FH16 AXO 2020-09-26 02:14:11

This guy think he owns the road in a shitshow of a car. Yeah if you're the owner of this. You're very idiotic. Go cry in your sleep. I dont care about you. You're cars shit. Youre life is shit. Youre shit. Peace
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FN10 ZDH 2020-09-30 16:14:11

Needs to learn how to keep things between the lines.
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F439 UEL 2020-09-22 09:41:39

damn you invisible car that doesnt exist any more! you made this man fall off his bicycle!
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FX58 MZG 2020-09-19 21:39:54

Untaxed and on double yellows!
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