Made his own parking space right outside the front door of Tesco while he want in to do his shopping as he was too lazy to park and walk. Plenty of spaces but he was just a complete penis.
This grey Mazda was reported to the police and local authority for antisocial behaviour in Wapping High St in March 2020.
If you're thinking of buying the car, you need to think about whether previous reports are more likely to lead to the vehicle being stopped in the future.
Stretford Manchester at approx 15:20 this afternoon, this taxi driver merges from my right and ignores the give way lines into a 3 lane carriageway, he didn’t stop and nearly collided with the side of my vehicle, he then decides to tailgate me for half a mile driving like a dick, tries to undertake me and then starts gesticulating and shaking his head at me, dude, slow down or stop next time it was my right of way
Made his own parking space right outside the front door of Tesco while he want in to do his shopping as he was too lazy to park and walk. Plenty of spaces but he was just a complete penis.