An elderly woman with 3 dogs owns this car. It takes her about 20 attempts to parallel park and I have witnessed her hit two other cars in the process. All because she can't judge the size of her Renault scenic with a two bar on the back and insists on squeezing into a small space rather that walk a extra 10 metres and park on the main road
This report is NOT meant to be 'anti-police'. This report is also based on footage that was reportedly acquired lawfully. I'm posting this because it is my personal opinion that police officer's attitude here is simply shocking; this irrespective of whether the person he has approached is white, black, Christian, Muslim, left-wing, right-wing or anything in-between.
Neither have I posted this as a means of passing judgments on a person's political or religious position (if any), including the officer in question.
I simply do not understand this officer's attitude, including his reaction and - as he stated - heightened suspicions regarding someone lawfully filming the interaction. It seems to be the case of inventing the circumstance to fit the required crime and that to me is downright despicable. If this officer's actions are felt to instill public confidence then I'd like to see where. I feel his actions did more harm than good. Likewise I welcome comments here; I can't moderate them and don't wish to. I'd like to see what other people think about this interaction, and the potential impact on community cohesion. I thought we were supposed to trust the police.
Guy owns about 5 cars and only uses 1, parks them all on street blocking people in and being not even 1 inch from your bumper, half dont even have MOT..most are big vans and when you've got him and 2 others on street with vans all parking wherever they want you can see how annoying it is.
21.02.20 07:15
Geeen Lane West/A6 Garstang
Pulls out of Green Lane West and accelerated aggressively trying to overtake on the stretch by the canal. Tailgated vehicle in front harassing due to impatience.
Pair of Bellends in a van registered to Mac Groundwork’s Uttoxeter, think it’s funny to take up two disabled spaces in McDonald’s. Baldy wankers like this deserve to look like a pair of testicles when they are driving their van, maybe they should have tried harder at school, after all, it’s not difficult to dig a hole.
Seems whoever drives this thinks it's okay to drive along a fenced off pavement to skip some traffic. Cuts off a skip wagon but sadly didn't get hit by it. Might have knocked some sense into their head!
Cut up at the roundabout. Driving was not impressive.