Idiot was doing way over 30mph around Marchwood. Tyre squeal first and second gear like it's a race track.
Not the first time I see him, always revving the engine
The driver of this silver 5 Series is doing his best to maintain the image of BMW drivers being incapable of making simple and non physically demanding hand movements to activate indicators.
During my time following he missed 8 opportunities to indicate. Maybe a re-sit of his driving test is required???
This drier almost killed me and my girlfriend whilst travelling on the A50 - driver came onto A50 from A38 sliproad and continued to come across into the inside lane. Didn’t seem to care about how serious the situation was. Have reported the driver to the police with dash cam footage
Very pretty driver but extreme use of the clutch seemed to cause a passenger whiplash. Also a lot of waterbottles in car causing driver not to see very well
Angry late middle aged ginger man who drove across me in his boy racer (which he ought to have grown out of by now). Threatened to stab me. Insurers take note.
Idiot was doing way over 30mph around Marchwood. Tyre squeal first and second gear like it's a race track.
Not the first time I see him, always revving the engine