This dick head pulled out on me on a round about full well knowing he was doing it just didn’t care because he’s got a small dick gets paid nothing and drives a wagon well done cha bet your family are proud of you! Little. Itch wouldn’t even stop when I turned round to ask him about his actions. Cunt mate
No badge, not disabled. The pig-faced skank was just taking off here; yeah, yeah I know 'two minute visit to the shop that's all, what's your problem?" You, you utter guttercunt. Hang your rancid cunt in shame.
Weaving all over the road, not sure if there was a combination of incompetence, applying make up or the histrionic meltdown the driver seemed to be having (or all 3)
Driver doesn't seem to understand how to exit from a give way so veers out the road and sticks it in no mans land!