Awful driver, illegal dangerous overtaking over hatched markings on busy junction. Worst of all, unapologetically threw a plastic yoghurt pot into the sacred environment!
Impatient wreckless Arsehole! You really do live up to the BMW stereotype wanker. Undertaking and hogging the outside lane. Dangerous and impulsive driver will cause an accident soon driving like that.
Idiot driving erratic all over tge road tailgating a van, then drove slow so tried to pass on next set of lights and got passed but he came up onside and forced me into oncoming traffic. Shouldnt be behind wheel of lorry
This guy just been caught stealing fuel and using a stolen plate to hide his original, luckily the stolen plate fell off revealing his true plate, share this plates everywhere and find this scum bag!
Awful driver, illegal dangerous overtaking over hatched markings on busy junction. Worst of all, unapologetically threw a plastic yoghurt pot into the sacred environment!