Lol, this is my neighbour... He's always driving over the pavement to access his front yard. Too cheap to apply for a dropped kerb. Surprised there's not more comments on here!
Wanker in an Audi A3.
I'm on a bike, this Audi Arsehole gets behind me, pulls alongside & then boots it so it chucks out a load of black smoke.
Then gets behind a cyclist a distance in front of me & does the exact same - pulls out, overtakes closely & boots it as he's level with the cyclist, chucking out all the black smoke.
All on a long straight with plenty visibility & nothing coming towards us.
Complete fucking idiot in black audi swerving in and out of traffic on M6 where it splits to toll road. You have obviously never passed a driving test and put dozens of drivers at risk. At least you won’t be around for too long.
Driver was pretty chill, his wife however - feel bad for the poor bloke to be honest. I’d park like a nob too if I had to listen to her everyday.
Can’t park for shit. I was parked in an end space, there was a half space next to me but it’s cut in half by the fence line. Aka you can’t get a car in there. But this man was determined and just threw it on there at 30° angle inline with the fence.
I’m parked over the line yes, but like I said, he’s not actually parked in a space.
Controll ya missus pal, swearing in front of your own kids and others, not a good look :)
This woman tried overtaking then overtaking into a junction on the wrong side of the road round a blind bend. Needs to be taken off the road