Just reversed back almost hitting my car missing it by a inch! clearly got no sense of their surroundings or don't understand how sensors work/mirrors.
Gap was big enough for them to get out but they kept going backwards until a couple waiting for a bus shouted them to stop or they would of hit it! so beware if these park in front of you.
We put cones out at football to leave passing spaces (as it's dangerous otherwise as parents block the entire road) and this Audi A6 driver ignores them and thinks it's their private parking space.
We need to mark passing spots for kids safety when football is on but entitled parents like this keep ignoring it.
What is wrong with people lately. They'd be first to cry if a Tesco van hits their car when it can't get through or worst case a kid gets knocked over.
Different car now but still got the stupid plate. Plus you don’t park in an electric charging bay if you’re not charging your vehicle. Have you not stopped to think how selfish that is? It’s not an electric vehicle parking space, it’san electric vehicle recharging point.
Really rude pushing in driver. Seen Oxford 4/23