Complete prick. Managed on the evening of 01/02/23 to zoom up a slip road in Peterborough and overtake cars from the left hand side at 60mph. Due to roadworks and the left side being shut and a speed restriction, this tosser almost run out of space. Never bothered to slow down. Not one single damn was given for the accident this entitled prick almost caused. Wreckless and dangerous.
Young lad most likely in his first car driving like a prick thinking his 1L Seat is a Lamborghini, thinks indicating means get out of his way, learn to drive better, don’t force your way into a lane because you didn’t think ahead and get the correct one ready to exit onto another motorway or were you driving dangerously on purpose?
You almost hit into a car that’s 10x the value of your piece of crap!
If you miss the exit then you carry on and get the next one don’t be a dick and cause an accident.
Too bad your chavmobile wasn't totalled instead of the Gold R...