FH02 FHE 2015-09-18 16:53:28

left lights on in car park - idiot
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FH61 KYN 2015-09-12 21:55:12

Little specky bastard
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FN65 JFE 2015-09-03 20:56:33

A brand new 65 reg car on the third of September, it looks like it's in a dealership or car hire yard. On the right hand side under the Auris badge it looks to have an Enterprise car hire sticker as well, so you're not shaming one regular driver of the car here.
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FL53 UXM 2015-09-09 05:39:15

How can they blame you if they rolled back over 3 feet. That's ridiculous.
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FY59 HHD 2015-08-31 18:58:19

What a grade-A tit. Looks like they were also speeding. I rented a bike and despite taking primary I got this almost all the time.. people like that driver will only be stopped when they cause an accident, hopefully without injuring or killing someone.
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FM08 PUH 2015-08-30 11:37:54

Driver seemed absolutely clueless, I think maybe the solid white lines in the road could have caused the poor dears confusion, but any drivers in the know are aware that one is allowed to cross these in certain situations, this being one of them.
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FT12 RXW 2015-09-04 17:45:59

This guy has absolutely terrified my daughter with his idiotic and dangerous driving. if anyone knows who owns this vehicle could you please let me know
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FT12 RXW 2015-09-04 09:32:45

I also witnessed this driver. disgusting!
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FY62 USD 2015-08-21 03:22:21

No MOT yet.. wonder why that is?
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FA54 NDN 2015-08-21 02:42:04

Well its taxed and MOT'd.. can't the DVLA trace the car, the repair work, and the damage?
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