FX56 YXL 2016-03-25 03:06:03

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FE56 AYM 2016-03-15 05:42:22

These guys *perhaps* ?


* I don't know, and I'm not trying to slander or libel anyone :)

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FL13 UNV 2016-03-13 10:37:21

Was going around an island when this fool came at speed from my left and cut in front of me forcing me to stop on an island just to avoid an accident, what a moron after him I have now decided to get a dashcam if idiots like this are on the road
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FE61 FEH 2016-03-19 14:03:03

I don't get the comment about the Audi and BMW drivers, the car in the clip is a Toyota?
But I can see why it's easy to blame people with expensive cars... No wait, I can't.
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FV02 EYJ 2016-03-16 11:13:37

Your a clown
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FM65 YGR 2016-03-13 14:31:45

Driving at the speed limit is not compulsory.
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FV57 XFU 2016-03-06 01:44:57

Cyclists: you NEVER ever want to be riding in the gutter/curb. It's the worst place for you: as you are more exposed to debris; are less visible to others; have less space to avoid a collision and less chance of deterring stupid and dangerous drivers from trying to get past you. You also have a right to use the full lane where appropriate.. look up any respected cycle guide (including the government's own guides), and they'll recommend you do just that. If someone is trying to intimidate you into the gutter then that's their problem. The rule is very simple here: it's THEIR responsibility not to hit you - not your responsibility to avoid getting hit by them. And if it turns to road rage, you do not react unless you are in personal physical danger e.g. assault. You need to remain focused and safe. Always be aware of your surroundings and always use them to make sure you are seen. If the dick behind has a problem with your rights then really, that is their problem not yours.
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FM11 CVP 2016-03-05 08:22:51

No date stamp on photo. Nothing to show vehicle in traffic or that vehicle in motion.

Tax may have been purchased in any case but not updated on system?

Just looks like a parked car to me.
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FV57 XFU 2016-03-05 03:58:00

Notice how the woman just sits there as if she's thinking to herself 'Oh no, he's arguing with other road users again on account of his stupid selfish attitude once he sits his ass behind a ton or more of metal killing machine.' p.s. By the looks of things she can do better than him. He's going to run over someone if he carries on the way he is. IF he's reading this? Read your fucking Highway Code sunshine..do you understand what to do? No? Then do not drive until you do. You stay back and give the person in front plenty of space. You idiot.
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FV57 XFU 2016-03-05 03:54:02

Idiotic, selfish, careless and dangerous driver shouldn't be on the road with that attitude, he's a danger to the public. "You're meant to be on the left". No actually YOU are meant to stay back and keep some distance. There is no legal requirement for cyclists to stay left at all times. NONE. The video clearly shows the cyclist filtering and stopping WELL IN ADVANCE of the lights changing.. what you see here is an irate fool of a driver who doesn't want to share the road including giving OTHER ROAD USERS space. Tough. Fuck off the roads before you run someone over. Prat.
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