Not the first time I've seen this delivery driver in his Toyota Yaris driving on the phone have seen him at least six or seven times previously fortunately this time we were sat behind him so could toit at him and get his full registration plate to report him he also has no MOT
Which part of the highway code allows you to drive through a pedestrian crossing while used by pedestrians? Grade A bell end dual award, 1 for the traffic offence, and another for having 4 fucking tailpipes on a 4 cylinder VW
Yet another openreach driver with an ego. Happy to toddle along at 40 in a 50, but when half a mile of overtaking lane comes up and an HGV tries to pass him he speeds up blocking it, and everyone else trying to pass. At the end he drops back down to 40. Prick.
Registration number: FD59RVN
Body type: 5 Door Hatchback
Colour: Yellow
Date of first registration: February 2010
Driver approached Weeton Road roundabout (A585) which was busy, but instead of stopping she used her speed to barge out in front of a vehicle already on the roundabout to her immediate right who had right of way.
Why is speed so often used to get in front of another driver who has right of way?
Wanker in a Vauxhall Corsa straight through red lights at top of town.