FD70 NCA 2021-10-30 21:56:49

5 Door Hatchback
Date of first registration: November 2020

Doesn’t give way at roundabout and then speeds along Bay Gateway (at least 20 over the limit). Had a Merk tailgating him trying to get past so the Merk driver was just as bad.

Several others I didn’t get the numbers for but have seen many times:
Firstly, why are there so many sick-minded male youths that drive dangerously and at excessive speed between Hornby and Caton? I’ve seen many which need locking up for their driving along this stretch. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have no driving licence, no insurance and the vehicle has no valid MOT.

Secondly, why do so many spastic-faced females (ones that look as if they are retarded and on benefits - definitely don’t look intelligent) that cannot park properly, and also park in disabled bays without a blue badge? It seems like they must be backward not able to park properly in a disabled parking bay between the lines which are bigger than ordinary parking spaces and these females park across two bays or over the hatched area not leaving any room for neighbouring cars to open the door? That must be what they think qualifies them for special privileges - it doesn’t but they are too backward to accept what is right. These females are mostly fat slobs too.
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FD18 EAP 2021-11-04 20:37:53

I hate people on their phones at the wheel!! Report him. Evidence is right there!
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FD17 XNG 2021-10-10 16:46:38

Approaching pointer roundabout, Lancs in their Fiesta ST, thinking they're on their own private race course. Must've been doing about 50 in a 30. Idiot.
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FD57 LYX 2021-09-19 16:54:56

rapid lane switching & lots of exhaust emissions
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FD14 DKJ 2021-09-12 04:16:30

You’ll hear him before you hear his car
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FD03 XFZ 2021-09-08 19:50:47

This driver pulled over the side of the road while I was walking and promised me a bag of Haribo if I did things with him. Absolutely disgusted! There was not one single cola bottle!
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FD62 NWW 2021-08-31 17:36:52

Another parent-child bay hogger at the gym, with no hair
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FD03 VLF 2021-08-31 08:36:50

This guy hit my car when I checked his information I found out he his mot run out about two years how do people get away with it
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FD19 HTZ 2021-09-03 13:05:39

Driving literally 1 metre behind honking horn in a 40mph limit area at 40mph. A55 toward Conwy at midday 3.09.21
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FD65 KJF 2021-08-25 14:13:10

Cunty here cut us off and braked infront of us didn’t get a video but you can have a photo
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Worst drivers in November

  1. LC06 OPH
  2. KP68 VDV
  3. KT73 ZHX
  4. FN66 JYU
  5. DK55 XAT
  6. MLP 2010
  7. RF12 HKU
  8. B16 TAJ
  9. KV59 YWN
  10. BD54 ELC

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