Where did this man buy his licence from? Thinks it is acceptable to hog the offside lane. Middle lane empty, nearside lane empty, and he is there on the offside lane doing what? Who knows. Has a very fragile ego. I was on the offside lane trying to hurry to see a patient at the hospital who came for an emergency appointment and this pathetic excuse tried to race me. He then blocked me on the offside lane and went at 60mph while both lanes to the left were free. I was not going to undertake him because I'm not a twat like him, so I had to stay until he finally moved over. When I got to the junction he opened his door, knocked on my window and said something, probably offensive, I was too busy to pay attention. What kind of twat leaves their car at the end of a busy motorway keeping people behind? What kind of self centred idiot hogs the offside lane? What kind of pathetic excuse for a human prevents a doctor from reaching a patient in an emergency state? I just hope he never needs me. Luckily I was able to get to my patient on time. GROW UP YOU BMW DOUCHE, YOU DO NOT OWN THE ROAD AND THAT PATIENT COULD HAVE BEEN YOUR MOTHER.
This car drove in a closed lane on the M25, undertaking many vehicles and completely ignoring the flashing red X's on 3 gantries before cutting back in just before the accident that the lane was closed for. I see this all the time, and there's radio ads telling you not to drive in closed lanes, yet the police seem to do nothing to stop it! ...Thank goodness for Rate Driver!
I saw the driver today at 12.15pm on the 14th July driving down Huntington Street in Nottingham and he was on a mobile phone. The lorry had Nottingham City Council logos on it
Where did this man buy his licence from? Thinks it is acceptable to hog the offside lane. Middle lane empty, nearside lane empty, and he is there on the offside lane doing what? Who knows. Has a very fragile ego. I was on the offside lane trying to hurry to see a patient at the hospital who came for an emergency appointment and this pathetic excuse tried to race me. He then blocked me on the offside lane and went at 60mph while both lanes to the left were free. I was not going to undertake him because I'm not a twat like him, so I had to stay until he finally moved over. When I got to the junction he opened his door, knocked on my window and said something, probably offensive, I was too busy to pay attention. What kind of twat leaves their car at the end of a busy motorway keeping people behind? What kind of self centred idiot hogs the offside lane? What kind of pathetic excuse for a human prevents a doctor from reaching a patient in an emergency state? I just hope he never needs me. Luckily I was able to get to my patient on time. GROW UP YOU BMW DOUCHE, YOU DO NOT OWN THE ROAD AND THAT PATIENT COULD HAVE BEEN YOUR MOTHER.