Stupid woman, driving dangerously down lintorpe road when it was extremely busy. Pulled out in front of me and my friends, without signalling too, this could have been a serious accident.
M6 J11 northbound in the area with cameras. Speed limit was 60, I was doing 64. This Golf came mega close behind and flashed lights. I couldn't move as all three lanes were doing similar speeds. Eventually when I did two Asians on board threw cans of Red Bull at my car.
Tailgates on the double white line corner which is why I'm keeping wide. Oncoming traffic frequently straddles the white line which is why I'm holding my lane. Unable to wait he makes such a stupid overtake you won't believe it...
Absolute idiot, deliberately wouldn't let me in when merging lanes, my right of way almost forcing me into incoming traffic so having to drop to let him go ahead, then swearing at me as he passed. Obviously a very angry man in general. Must do it often. Pity the angry drivers, just let it go lol. He had a child in the back too. Tut.
07/12/2016 deliberately pinned me against parked cars when merging lanes, myself ahead at the lights and this guy behind in the lane to the right, steams up alongside determined to get ahead meaning I have to take evasive action. Dangerous old idiot.
Doesn't like to be overtaken. Overtook him, he sped up dramatically and spend a couple of miles blocking anyone from passing.