Around 9:10am on the 22nd of November 2017, the driver was spotted trying to navigate a crossroads in Pimlico while he was talking on his mobile phone.
Never seen such a good driver in my life, this guy won 15 rallys in sucession before retiring to let someone else win one, he was actually knighted as sir drivesalot cuntfuckle the third and in motorsport he's known as Yolo jinglefuck of Canterbury, seriously no touching this guy on any back roads even when he's ballancing a small shot glass filled with blue paint on his nose, blind folded, I once offered to fight him with a small flick knife and a pocket watch out of jealousy of such driving skill but he stared straight into my eyes and when I looked across he had the small knife and pocket watch and my favirot mug before he smashed it on the floor
Around 9:10am on the 22nd of November 2017, the driver was spotted trying to navigate a crossroads in Pimlico while he was talking on his mobile phone.