Absolutely the most unnecessarily aggressive driving I've ever witnessed! I'm a confident driver but he was driving so close behind me on the motorway (M1 Leicester), I was physically shaking afterwards. Something really needs to be done about this guy, he's going to seriously injure someone.
XPC Driving "instructor". Doesn't know how to drive. Nearly mowed down an innocent pedestrian crossing the road due to coming round the corner too fast. Often turns corners so fast he ends up on the wrong side of the road. Remember, this is the "INSTRUCTOR" not a student!
The name I put is for the driver of the vehicle FP10 YZL
To say the guy has anger issues is the understatement of the decade. I really felt sorry for his female passenger (assume wife or similar) and his very young child in the rear seat (Possibly 5 years old) who had to witness his actions and tirade of unnecessary abuse at people who did not actually do anything wrong other than drive past him.
Therapy is needed for this individual but alas i fear will not have the required effect - He will hurt someone sometime soon - maybe he will actually use the hammer on the next poor sod that gets in his way (he has it in the boot of his car)
Be aware of this number plate and keep an eye for the hammer if he gets out of the car. You have been warned. Have a nice day
Illegally parking on private drive. Having sex and leaving mess by the side of the road. Then laughing whilst being told that a persons 10 year old disabled child had to witness it. And again it was illegal.
Needs to learn how to use a motorway properly and not cut from the outside lane to the inside lane causing cars behind them to have to break heavily, all because they're too braindead to know what lane to use.
No time in the morning for food? Eat on the a1!!!