FP60 AVJ 2019-01-17 15:14:09

Here's the video of the bus crash caused by another car stopping in the same place. Barnsole Road/Watling Street. https://goo.gl/maps/bJbrru7J85s
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FP60 UOA 2018-11-30 16:23:27

Given he's untaxed as well, I have no qualms with that getting posted.
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FP11 VJA 2018-11-25 02:42:10

Was the driver politely asked? What delivery company is it?
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FP62 SDX 2018-09-26 22:23:07

Silver car in wrong - should have exited in the right lane rather than switching the left whilst exiting
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FP58 DNO 2018-09-01 11:54:09

This one?
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FP18 RYX 2018-08-27 14:30:33

A Jimmy Saville supporter voted this down?
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FP10 NYG 2018-07-31 19:06:41

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FP18 UWD 2018-06-27 04:33:34

Your reason for posting?
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FP11 ZGO 2018-06-26 17:15:17

So, both hands off the wheel on a motorway is ok? Doubtful. Undue care and attention right there. All good until someone is dead.
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FP11 ZGO 2018-06-26 17:04:49

No time in the morning for food? Eat on the a1!!!
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