This boy drives a green Ford Fiesta and i personally think his driving is bloody ridiculous the way he clutchs it and boots fuck out of it is ridiculous scared the shit out of me when I'm walking up britwell avenue
This boy thinks he is a driver when he is getting beaten by a corsa when really he doesn't have a fucking clue how to drive ran 6 or 7 red lights in a row
I don't see it as a carve up. They passed with loads of space and were a considerable distance away when the cycle lane ended. But clearly, use of the phone was bang out of order.
FP55 XEBThere's a space there pal2016-09-20 20:45:29
Driving lesson number 1. Probably should be not to park on a double yellow line. But driving lesson 2 is to park in a space. Evidently this muppet missed both lessons coz he's been parked both on a double yellow line and next to am empty space for the past 15 minutes.
Who are you, the brake light police?