Driver cut me up on a roundabout, needs some serious retraining. Footage and complaint sent to police and vehicle operator AllTask ltd,
This tool decided it would be a good idea to overtake me while approaching a junction, with a car coming in the other direction. In spite of me moving to the middle of my lane and making a 'pushing back' gesture with my right arm, she kept coming, forcing the oncoming car to take evasive action. She then proceeded to close the door on me, forcing me into the parked cars I was passing, as she straddled both lanes forcing yet another car to take evasive action. Upon my yelling 'What are you doing!?' at her, she looked at me blankly, sped off, and ran right through an amber traffic light. Proper idiot,caught on camera and reported to RoadSafe. Please see photo!
What a cock of a driver, driving a 44 ton lorry,running out of road coming up to a roundabout in the wrong lane, cut the corner forcing me break hard in my lorry. Apparently your a professional driver.
Probably should have just apologized.... And said you wouldn't park there again.