GFZ 6277 2016-07-22 23:29:53

This idiot left his poor dog in the car while eating in at kfc. There were no windows open and it was tempatures of 25 degrees. The dog was panting and clearly seemed stressed. This driver is a disgrace
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GFZ 2678 2016-03-30 11:15:27

Absolute weapon who drives his old heap of a van up and down the M6 whilst coked off his tits. Doesn't like it if you go past him he starts acting billy big spuds. Dresses up as a storm trooper in his spare time. Later on loser.
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GFZ 2768 2016-03-24 23:07:34

Absolute weapon who drives his old heap of a van up and down the M6 whilst coked off his tits. Doesn't like it if you go past him he starts acting billy big spuds. Dresses up as a storm trooper in his spare time. Later on loser.
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GFZ 4435 2016-01-27 14:57:42

Cars bad boy 🙈
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GFZ 9401 2020-01-06 19:27:54

think you (cam man) are the idiot.... crawling about behind a learner, then pulling out almost in front of the who got the key to the bimma man. who got the key to the bimma man executed a perfect overtake
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GFZ 9401 2020-01-09 14:39:31

In some countries , homosexuality is a sin, and punishable by prison, being beaten up to a pulp, or banished from the town and even the country.
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GFZ 9401 2020-01-05 13:47:23

Several morons in that vid !!!
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GFZ 9401 2020-01-05 08:48:55

Looks like you pulled out without checking your mirrors and nearly killed him.

Way to go!! (you cock...)
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GFZ 3795 2019-02-21 12:22:38

Through a red light on a non-emergency, almost causing a collision. Ridiculous.
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GFZ 3795 2019-02-21 09:31:34

One rule for the Police, another for you.
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