Using the incorrect lane to beat traffic at a roundabout by coming up in the right hand lane to take the second exit which is off to the left (7th July 2015).
I suggest you also revise your stopping distance to and observing the car in front properly.
If you've found this site through Googling the number plate of a second-hand car ... take my advice and walk away. The owner believes their car looks so much like a dodgem they should drive it like one - foot flat to the floor either on the brake or accelerator. I'm assuming they're also partially sighted as neither "Merge in turn" nor speed limits seem to be observed.
Came out of Harewood House on a red light as I was approaching N/B on A61 and the vehicle in the right lane ahead of me had started to turn right, so perhaps hadn't seen me but still no excuse for running a red. Travelled down the bank and slowed down to about 25mph for the turn towards Harewood Bridge, then abruptly swerved to the left to join the A659 to Arthington/Pool, without indication, and quite close to a kerbing.
This guy was parked on the pavement & me & my partner struggled to get past so we glared at him. He gets out the van & starts hurling abuse at my partner!! We are not easily intimidated so my partner pointed out he was blocking access especially if a pram/wheelchair needed past. He was called a C**t for this! This mans just a bully & walked away when he realised we weren't scared! His mate stayed in the van so maybe he's used to this behaviour!
This young driver broke every law, rule and everything else.
Briefly - overtook as he sped out of a junction - pulling in front of a car , forcing another vehicle to brake hard, then overtook on hatching as lorry was pulling into junction
then overtook prior to 30limit causing an elderly couple to brake hard as they innocently pulled out of garden centre. Aggressively tailgating and overtaking - nearly hit a traffic island on moronic overtake and then sped into town ( 30 limit) excess of 50-60 schoolchildren had to run across road to avoid being hit. Reported to police. Huntingdon, Cambs Area - young driver tattoos and big arms / small brain.
Very aggressive driver in black pickup, nearly hit the back of my car at speed as i was overtaking a car on a dual carriageway. When i pulled in, he continued to speed off as he flipped me the bird. Nice
Using the incorrect lane to beat traffic at a roundabout by coming up in the right hand lane to take the second exit which is off to the left (7th July 2015).
I suggest you also revise your stopping distance to and observing the car in front properly.