It is March 2019 and she continues to drive around this neighbourhood crying and asking people to loan her money for petrol to get home. This self described “erotic artist” is just ripping innocent good natured people who are conned.
Apparently you should not approach the occupants and should watch what they are doing around Tesco Twon Gate Retail Park, Dudley, West Midands. Again: do NOT approach, apparently. Of course, the owner is free to chime in here, I don't see anyone stopping them. Oh by the way, how does one carry a pick-axe around all day..must take some strength, right?
Whilst driving along a rather narrow country lane an oncoming car pulled up to let us pass. This idiot overtook the car that had pulled up and tried to force us up a bank. The driver refused to back up and we ended up reversing fifty yards along a rather windy lane because of his arrogance.
Can't park in a huge space.