Fat middle aged woman in a silver zafira texting in school traffic
I was looking down at you from the lorry going the opposite way
I'd have taken a picture but it's illegal to have your phone in your hand ... Dickhead
So why would you go to all that bother of fitting a bike rack, and then not changing the number plate over?
I even heard a guy, who I know to be a local traffic officer, tell her to change her numberplates, and that's what alerted me to it, so thought why not - first post on here after years of lurking...
Lunatic and dangerous driving. Cutting a red light in manchester, racing other cars pointlessly in traffic, tailgating other vehicles extremely dangerously and swearing at other drivers.
Beware of this driver and vehicle.
Sat at a level crossing with lights flashing red and this woman drove straight through from the other way on her phone
Fucking idiot !!!