You are an absolute idiot of a driver. Stopping on a roundabout in the right hand lane, indicating to go right, and I am supposed to know that you actually want to turn left off said roundabout. Then you put your horn on me, for what? Being in the correct lane, indicating correctly? You have not got a clue how to drive. You even continued to indicate right after leaving the roundabout for a further 400 yards. You then have then audacity, to thumble for your phone to take a picture of me. Completely against the law, therefore Operation Crackdown has been informed, expect a letter in the post.
This driver was a right old cunt, just because he has got a big exhaust he decided to cut right in front of me and then ran a red light on a blind corner! The Fatto in the seat should of really learned how to not be a knob head...
The thick bloke who drives this car likes to block other cars in in empty car parks. He lets his chav girlfriend out then parks as close as he can get to the other car on the other side. Why he does this his answer is it’s my space. His chav girlfriend is very much apart of his spiteful stupidity. What if the other person needed to get home in an emergency and could not get in their car. He is from St Neots and went to Longsands school.
Jeremy Clarkson reviewed this car in Top Gear S12 E5