Some people just don't engage their brains :-(
Parking like this is not appreciated, especially when large vehicles (or even small ones) are attempting to get into our drive.
What an idiot.
Absolutely shocking driving by this woman. Cut in front of me on a roundabout at the very last second. Had to slam brakes on to avoid collision. She then proceeded to do 20mph in a 40mph zone. Possibly trying to get someone to hit her on purpose to claim!
I was sat at McDonald’s (as you do) enjoying my Big Mac when an Audi A3 pulled up across from us playing loud music that sounded like an abundance of noise and started bobbing at women and then proceeded to do the newest high trend of balloons (in a at park full of little children.)
This guy reversed his car (with towbar) into my VW Golf, then denied it had happened when I challenged him about it before driving off. Vile arsehole!