The driver of this red VW polo was in such a rush to park his car and get his train that he ignored the fact I was crossing the road and almost run me down.
When I confronted him about his dangerous driving he had the audacity to blame me for crossing the road !!
People like this are what make people think all BMW drivers are A holes . Even when a member of staff asked him to move he wouldn't . No disabled badge either . And a poor woman struggled to get past on her mobility scooter because she didn't want to scratch his heap of crap ! Thoughtless arrogant twat.
This car came speeding down the high street at 160 mph and ran over 17 people including me and my dog. It was driven by a disabled cripple and they drove past laughing as I was on the floor dying of internal bleeding. I lost 7 litres of blood. The car then crashed into McDonald's and killed 15 people. They all got out and got cheeseburgers then got back in running me over again.,
Recorded at scene of vehicle thefts (tools and equipment)