GV17 UYT 2018-05-16 12:34:39

Speeding!! over 60 in a 40 zone!! and then tailgating others who did not want to speed.
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GV02 LYZ 2018-05-08 04:21:04

Why did you do that?

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GV51 YRX 2018-05-12 17:14:19

Leapt ahead, chasing green at A120 x-roads beyond, but saved no time as lights changed. Speeding much? 5pm
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GV67 GGE 2018-05-02 16:27:09

another lane hogger under gatwick 40mph just sitting there twat
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GV54 NLD 2018-04-29 21:31:07

Park your vehicle on the road instead of blocking the pedestrian footpath.

You are parked almost completely blocking the pavement, and clearly have absolutely zero respect for others. People do exist on this planet besides you, and you are lucky I didn't report you for a £30 obstruction.

Learn how to park with some respect instead of just dumping your vehicle in the first convenient spot near your house.

Osier Road, Petersfield (completely blocks the first pavement on the left). Usually seen at weekends.
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GV15 OFE 2018-04-29 21:27:54

Perhaps park your vehicle on the road instead of dumping it on the pavement? Pavements are for pedestrians, they are not there for you to obstruct.

Location: The Mead, Petersfield. Parked on weekends (2018).
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GV10 KNG 2018-04-15 07:50:46

Driver of Silver BMW 5-series, GV10 KNG, is aggressive and racist. Spotted speeding well above 60 in a 40 mile zone outside Linton Zoo on 14/04/2018. Hurled racist abuse at black driver who was trying to turn into Linton Zoo. Should not be allowed on our roads. Found out from another forum user that his name is David Tual.
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GV16 EYL 2018-04-11 08:38:20

Sat in the overtaking lane despite not driving at the speed limit, for a stretch of six miles - driver was able to move over as path was clear. Then proceeded to drive at 5mph in a 20mph area. Unable to use indicators on roundabouts and when turning in. Either very nervous or very inconsiderate.
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GV07 WCP 2018-04-02 11:24:08

Awful driving through Exeter/Beacon Heath..Permanently on a hand held mobile phone whilst negotiating heavy traffic and road junctions. (Late braking / swerving / lack of concentration.)
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GV67 BKY 2018-04-04 14:46:35

Good rider overall, left me through when it wasn’t even my way
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